After running the ISRM Coronavirus Campfires for over 130 sessions it is time for us to acknowledge that we are moving into a post-Covid world. The weekly discussions have provided an anchor and a platform in challenging times and have created a unique historical record from the perspective of the participants. There has never been a shortage of topics, be it trust in government and their pandemic planning, the lessons learned, or the ever-changing psychological pressures we have all experienced at different stages of the pandemic. The campfires have been the highlight of our week, but we feel that we have exhausted what needed to be discussed at this point.
At the same time, there has been no shortage of crisis events over the last few months. Extreme weather events such as the Texas Freeze or the heat wave in North America, tornadoes in Europe, or the current ocean fire in the Gulf of Mexico have made it more than clear that the realities of climate change are already here. The closing of the Suez Canal proved a serious threat to global supply chains and various cyber-attacks have continued to threaten and disrupt critical infrastructure.
The world we live in will continue to be challenged by chaotic, high impact and unprecedented events. This is why we will change the format of the ISRM Coronavirus Campfires and open them up to all ongoing crises. The ISRM Global Watch weekly meetings will give participants an opportunity to share thoughts, exchange ideas and to be part of a longitudinal record on an ongoing, real-time basis, of the developments of the global strategic risk and crisis management challenges we will continue to face for the foreseeable future.
We hope to see you there!
- Global Crisis Watch 131
- Thursday 8th July 1pm BST
- Register Here
- Global Crisis Watch 132
- Friday 9th July 10am BST
- Register Here