
Members of the ISRM are part of a global network of practitioners and experts shaping the future of best-practice strategic risk and crisis management capabilities. As a member, you will enjoy access to the Institute’s regional and global events, leading analysis, and discounts on ISRM Training programmes.
Certified Membership

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Certified Membership is the professional membership level and carries the post-nominals M.ISRM. This is the professional membership level open to all practitioners, academics and policy makers involved in any activity associated with strategic security, risk management, business continuity, emergency response, crisis management or any other related sector. The ISRM is an inclusive organisation, and believes that a better understanding of strategic risk and crisis management will be beneficial to almost anyone involved in senior management positions, and particularly at C-Suite and Executive Committee level. We encourage practitioners and those engaged in the widest possible range of management activities to join, whatever particular sector they might be involved in.
  • Professional membership level open to all practitioners, academics and policy makers
  • Certified Membership carries post-nominals M.ISRM
  • Members are eligible for full member discounts on all associated training programmes and ISRM events, and to all other associated offers
  • Digital edition of Crisis Response Journal sent free to your email address
Associate Membership

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Associate Membership is for anyone who wishes to join the ISRM, but is not directly associated with strategic risk and crisis management or associated activities. This could include publishers, event organisers, education establishments, support services and the like.

  • Fees are £150.00 per year
  • Associate Membership does not carry post-nominals
Fellow Membership

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Fellow is the highest level of membership, and is reserved for people who have made an outstanding contribution to the understanding and development of strategic risk and crisis management, are respected by their fellow professionals, and have made a contribution to the wider local and global community through their own activities.

In normal circumstance, Fellowship is only available after two years (minimum) of membership of the ISRM.

  • Fellowship carries the post-nominals F.ISRM.s
Student Membership

Student Membership is open to anyone registered on a University-level academic programme, whether undergraduate (Bachelors), post-graduate (Masters) level, or Doctorate/Ph.D level.

We accept students from any related discipline to security / risk / crisis management in its widest meaning.

We just need an e-mail address that  will allow you to be registered on the Student Network, and will be used for any correspondence.

The nominal amount of £25 for a year of subscription is charged for the registration to the Student Network.

  • Access to high-quality webinars hosted by academics and professionals around the world on a bi-monthly basis.
  • Opportunity to have your Academic Papers and Blogs published on our Student Website and the Crisis Response Journal.
  • Monthly lectures by ISRM Executive Director Dr. David Rubens on the current global strategic risk and crisis management issues, with reference to academic papers relevant to the topic.
  • Access to the ISRM Student Network library populated with over three hundred classic and current academic papers.