Security and resilience for critical infrastructure. Is your organisation secure?
Both Government and industry have myriad risks to consider – cyberattack and hacking, natural hazards, climate change, espionage and sabotage, terrorism, foreign interference, criminal activity, and ‘trusted insider’ threats – so how can the public and private sectors best work together to understand and mitigate them?
This series of webinars will discuss the full range of risks faced by Australian entities in the 21st century – and speak to the ways in which Government is working with industry to build national resilience and support our shared prosperity.
Join us for this comprehensive five-part series that will introduce a range of important topics and speakers, culminating in an inaugural Cyber and Infrastructure Security Conference in early 2023.
The webinars are free to attend and will be useful for any staff member of an organisation – not just those in roles managing risk and security day-to-day.
Webinar 1 – Introduction to Risk Management
Friday, 14 October 2022
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (AEDT/Sydney)
In this important scene-setter, Hamish Hansford, head of Australia’s Cyber and Infrastructure Security Centre (CISC) at the Department of Home Affairs, will provide an overview of the role and function of the CISC; recent legislative changes in the critical infrastructure space – focusing on the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’; discuss how public/private partnerships can lower risk; and underline some of the strategies that can be put in place to support the security of your organisation.
Webinar 2 – Cyber Security
Tuesday, 15 November 2022
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (AEDT/Sydney)
The first of our themed webinars will zero in on cyber security. Cyber-attacks and hacks are a growing threat for critical infrastructure, as a number of recent high-profile attacks have shown – no organisation is immune.
This webinar will introduce the cyber threat, provide practical advice on appropriate governance and reporting requirements under legislation, how the Australian Government supports critical infrastructure manage cyber threats, and what we can do to support you in the event of an attack.
Webinar 3 – Environmental Security
Friday, 2 December 2022
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (AEDT/Sydney)
Australia is the lucky country, but we’ve had our share of hard times. Fire, flood, drought, tropical cyclone – is your organisation prepared? How would you fare if faced with a combination of natural hazards occurring concurrently?
This third webinar will a focus on maintaining essential functions and supply chains during and post-disaster. We’ll discuss strategies for improving planning and prevention, to avoid or minimise major disruptions and to protect your people, business, assets and reputation.
Webinar 4 – Personnel & Physical Security
Friday, 17 February 2023
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (AEDT/Sydney)
Webinar four focuses on physical and personnel security risks; protecting our people, transactions, assets, information and systems. With a focus on the human dimension of risk, we will explore ways to manage ‘trusted insider threats’, such as an employee exploiting otherwise legitimate access to an organisation’s facilities, assets, systems and people. Incorporating supply chain and sub-contractor risks, we’ll discuss practical ways to manage access to sensitive data and systems.
Webinar 5 – An ‘All Hazards’ Approach – Increasing Security & Resilience
Friday, 10 March 2023
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (AEDT/Sydney)
The fifth and final webinar brings together the previous sessions, highlighting the importance of having effective an effective Risk Management Program and exploring the implications for Executives and Boards when managing risk. We’ll close out the seminars by looking to the future, trying to forecast what risks might be emerging and preparing now so we’re all ready for them.