Resilience Reset: Creating Resilient Cities in the Global South Webinar

KRVIA: Special Lecture

Resilience Reset: Creating Resilient Cities in the Global South 

  • Sunday, December 19th, 2021 AT 8:45 PM – 10 PM UTC+01

Drawing on evidence from urban resilience initiatives around the globe, this talk will make a compelling argument for a “resilience reset”, a pause and stock take that critically examines the concepts, practices and challenges of building resilience, particularly in cities of the Global South. In turn, the Aditya will call for the world’s cities to alter their course and “pivot” towards novel approaches to enhancing resilience. The talk presents shifts in ways of acquiring and analysing data, building community resilience, approaching urban planning, engaging with informality, delivering financing, and building the skills of those running cities in a post-COVID world grappling with climate impacts. The arguments p[resented will encourage researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to break out of existing modes of thinking and doing that may no longer be relevant for our rapidly urbanising and dynamic world.

Dr. Aditya Bahadur is a Principal Researcher at the International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK. Previously he served as a Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute and prior to that, with Oxford Policy Management. He has 15 years of experience in research, evaluation and practice of DRR, climate change, urbanisation and development. He has published widely on these topics including in highly regarded academic journals. His work has been cited by the IPCC and has informed the UK Government’s approach to disaster resilience. He served as the Research Coordinator of the BRACED Programme (one of the world’s largest community level resilience building initiatives, running in 9 countries). He completed his MA and PhD in Development Studies from the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK. He completed his Postdoctoral Research as Fulbright Fellow at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York where he wrote a book on urbanisation and resilience.

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