ISRM Launches Global Virtual Conference to address post COVID-19 Challenges

The Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM) has organised a virtual global conference that will explore some of the strategic issues associated with the global response to Covid-19, as well as helping businesses address the challenges and opportunities that exist within the post Covid-19 environment.   The Conference “Learning from Covid-19: Old Lessons, New Lessons – The Future Starts Now” is free to attend and takes place over three days from Monday 27th to Wednesday 29th July, bringing together senior global thinkers, strategists and policymakers from leading institutes and organisations around the world.

Lord Toby Harris, ISRM President and Senior UK National Security expert opens the conference on Day 1 leading discussions around what Covid-10 has taught us about Crisis Management.  The conference will be chaired by founder of the ISRM Dr David Rubens, who has been a prominent figure supporting businesses during the pandemic, through the delivery of weekly webinars on risk and crisis management that have been attended by over 4,000 participants. 

Dr Rubens said ‘The Covid-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call for all of us. It is an opportunity for us to examine every aspect of what we considered to be our crisis management capabilities, and to learn lessons that will allow us to create genuinely resilient, risk sensitive and crisis ready organisations for the future.

‘The ISRM conference is truly unique in that it allows anyone with an interest in strategic risk and crisis management to benefit from the insights provided by some of the leading industry and sector thinkers in the world.  The post-Covid-19 reality will be one characterised by multiple potential crisis scenarios.  This conference will give participants a deep understanding of the challenges associated with those scenarios, as well as a range of frameworks, templates and methodologies that would allow them to prepare their organisations in the best possible manner’.

As well as Lord Harris, the world class line-up of speakers includes; Dr Stephen Flynn, Founding Director of the Global Resilience Institute;  Pascale Meige, Director Disaster & Crisis of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; David Horobin, Head of Crisis Management of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy; Dr Adel Alaraifi, Executive Director of the Risk and Resilience Institute, Saudi Arabia and Marcus Oxley, Founding Executive Director of the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR).

The full programme of speakers can be found here

The ISRM’s virtual global conference is free to attend and takes place daily between 12 and 2pm (GMT) from Monday 27th to Wednesday 29th July.

The full conference programme as follows:

Day 1: What Covid-19 Has Taught Us About Crisis Management

  • Lord Toby Harris, ISRM President and senior government national security expert
  • Dr Stephen Flynn, Founding Director, Global Resilience Institute, Northeastern University (USA)
  • Pascale Meige, Director Disaster & Crisis, IFRC

Day 2:  What We Need To Learn In Order To Be Resilient Against Future Shocks

  • Dr Robert MacFarlane, Deputy Director, Civil Contingency Secretariat, UK Cabinet Office
  • David Horobin, Head of Crisis Management Cluster, Geneva Centre for Security Policy

Day 3: How The World Can Get Ready For Both The Challenges And The Opportunities In The Post Covid-19 New Reality

  • Peter Willis, Covid-19 Project Coordinator, Resilience Shift
  • Marcus Oxley, Founding Executive Director, Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR)
  • Dr David Alexander, Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction, University College London
  • Dr Adel Alaraifi, Executive Director, Risk and Resilience Institute, Saudi Arabia