ISRM Annual Report 2022

As we come to the end of the third year of Covid, it is perhaps hard to realise just how much impact that has had on us. I think that we all need to be aware of the stresses that we are carrying with us, and to take time out to detox ourselves, in whatever way works best for you.

The war in Ukraine continues to overshadow other events in the world, and we are feeling the impacts of that in terms of our own national political, economic and security considerations. It feels like it is entering the Long War phase, when it becomes part of the background noise, but I think we are all aware of the significance of allowing Putin to have what he may consider as a victory in any settlement options that might be brought to the stable.

We have been involved with the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine on multiple programmes since the first week of the war. The ISRM had been made part of the Kyiv international Economic Forum Academy; I have been invited to be part of the newly established Ukraine Global Faculty, set up to offer a platform for the global academic community to support the Ukrainian academic community in these times; and we have worked closely with multiple corporate and NGO organisations across the region on both reconstruction and human security programmes.

In the UK, we have continued to make a contribution to the National Preparedness Commission, under the leadership of ISRM President Lord Toby Harris.

In a major new initiative, we have launched the first dedicated University Chapter in partnership with University of Gloucestershire, and they have have signed up 250 students on their MBA programme as ISRM Student Members.

We have also established a Masters Degree in Strategic Risk and Crisis Management, which the ISRM will deliver in partnership with UoG. That is planned to take its first cohort in Q1 2023, and will add to the range of services that that the ISRM can offer its membership.

Our long-standing relationship with the IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) is being reflected in collaborative programme that we are discussing around the creation of a global youth and community engagement initiative, based on some of the programmes and frameworks that the ISRM already has in place.

It is pleasing that the ISRM has come to be seen in such a short space of time as a value-adding partner for global programmes, run by some of the largest organisations in the world. However, the foundation of the ISRM has always been, and continues to be, its Chapter networks, and my thanks to each and every one of you who have been involved in Chapters in whatever way. Without you there literally would not be an ISRM.

Thank you everyone for your support and engagement over the last year, I wish you all peaceful transition into 2023, and a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous year ahead.

With best regards to all,


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