Science and research play an essential role in preventing disasters and building resilient systems. The transfer of scientific knowledge into practice, as well as the joint discourse with representatives of experts from authorities, emergency organizations and business are crucial in order to be as prepared as possible for challenges in the prevention and management of disasters.
The Disaster Research Days 2022 support this dialogue and the networking between the individual scientific disciplines and departments in disaster management.
The #DRD22 will be held from October 12th to 14th at the University of Innsbruck.
Would you like tsubmit a contribution for the Disaster Research Days in Innsbruck? Submissions that have received positive reviews will be published in a conference proceedings. The most interesting contributions will be peer-reviewed and included in the conference program as an oral presentation. All others are invited tpresent their contribution during the poster session. Selected articles are tbe published in a special issue of the International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction.
An abstract (two pages with tables and figures) can be written in both German and English and should be assigned to the following main topics:
Disaster risk:
- Risk and crisis communication
- Risk governance and societal handling of disasters
- Digitization and technology assessment
Critical infrastructure:
- Vulnerability tnatural hazards
- Structural safety
- Security of supply
Mass movements, avalanches and earthquakes:
- Geospatial data management and monitoring
- Modeling and simulation
- Interaction of gravitational mass movements with infrastructure
Extreme weather events:
- Heavy rain, hail, storms
- Forest fire
- Extreme heat and late frost
- Flood
- Flood risk modeling
- Simulation (prediction and early detection)
Public Health:
- Current studies on COVID-19
- Pandemic management
- Emergency and Disaster Medicine
- Crisis Psychology and Community Resilience
Time schedule:
- Until May 9th, 2022: abstract submission period
- Until the end of June 2022: Reviewer period
- July / August 2022: Paper selection for Special Issue (International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction), as well as conference program and poster session