This year has provided no shortage of catastrophic weather events and ensuing security challenges to test our security community. To name only a few, devastating floods and tornadoes across central Europe, the Texas power crisis (which was the direct result of severe winter storms) and a dramatic warning from the UN Climate Panel in August leaving us in no doubt, we need to get our house in order. Therefore, The ISRM Women in Security (WiS) group is very pleased to announce the latest event in our ongoing series of webinars, The Impact of Environmental Change on Security.
One of the aims at WiS is to provide a platform for women to introduce their security specializations to a broader security audience. In this instance we are honoured to have Javeria Malik and Eva Nolle joining us as speakers and Edna Sanchez as the event moderator. Among others, we will be addressing topics such as how NGOs are approaching the specific impact that climate change is having on their operations, and how we can move the conversation around Environmental Security & Governance (ESG) from an ethical one to an operational one.
The event is free to attend, and we are looking forward to having you join us again for this panel as it tackles an extremely timely and critical topic for us all.
For more information, please visit the event page.