The ISRM UAE Chapter networking event held at the Nikki Beach Resort in Dubai was an outstanding success, with over forty participants from a wide range of sectors.
With an introduction by UAE Chapter Facilitator Steven Flaherty, presentations by ISRM Executive Director Dr David Rubens, UAE Chapter Director Dr Declan Garrett and Special Guest Speaker Mr Bill Wyllie, the evening was bracketed by pre-event drinks and introductions, and post-event drinks in the Nikki Beach bar.
The feedback from everyone at the event was extremely positive, and we are looking at running the next UAE Chapter networking events in Abu Dhabi on 30th September and Dubai for 6th October.
For those of you who couldn’t make it, but would like to hear some of Dr David Rubens’ presentation (or for those of you who were there, but would like to hear it again!) – here is a clip of Dr Rubens describing some of the emergent threats that we need to be taking account of…