We are delighted to announce the re-launch of the ISRM UAE Chapter.
The UAE was the first ever International Chapter, established in June 2019, and after an initial very successful first year, it suffered from the impacts of Covid-19 and the fact that its two Co-Chairs, Steve F CPP®, F.ISRMand Nikos Gkionis PSP®CBCI F.ISRM DipHE left the region.
We are back! New Chair Simon Carnegie and Vice-Chair Maria Fjeldstad are both long-term residents of the region, and we are confident that the ISRM UAE Chapter will once again establish itself as a significant platform and forum for cross-sector interaction involving all aspects of strategic risk and crisis management.
Our thanks goes to Zack Zainal, Senior Vice President at Emirates Group Security who has continued to give us support in all of our activities – more news on that to follow soon.
For more information on the Chapter, or to get involved, please contact:
- simon.carnegie@theisrm.org
- or join our ISRM UAE Chapter LinkedIn page
- or come to ISRM Dubai Chapter Symposium