ISRM SEE Student Chapter

We are delighted to announce the ISRM South Eastern Europe (SEE) Student Chapter developed with the help of ISRM SEE Regional Chapter Chair Dr. Zoran Keković.

Ms. Nevena Stankovic has been nominated as a representative for the ISRM SEE Student Network. She is a PhD student at the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade.

This student chapter is developed with the vision to create a regional platform that will:

  • Encourage, motivate and inspire
  • Enable connecting at the regional and global level, among students and with recognized experts and academics
  • Enable the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical experience
  • Be useful in the preparation of master thesis’ and doctoral dissertations

On December 23rd 2020, ISRM SEE Student Network held the ‘Risk Management in the 21st Century’introductory webinar on the occasion of the establishment of the first regional student network for strategic risk and crisis management, under the auspices of the South Eastern Europe Chapter (ISRM SEE Regional Chapter) of the Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM).

With the technical support of the Institute for Standardization of Serbia, and in cooperation with leading academics from the region, but also global authorities, the webinar gathered an impressive number of interested students from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, and Montenegro (more than 70).

The webinar had the lineup of amazing speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. Zoran Keković, chapter chair of the ISRM South Eastern Europe Regional Chapter, and founder and president of the Center for Risk Analysis and Crisis Management (CARUK) in Belgrade
  • Dr. David Rubens, executive director of ISRM
  • Prof. Dr. Slobodan Simonović, a member of the Royal Canadian Academy and a professor at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, a world expert in the field of hydro engineering and remediation of natural disasters
  • Prof. Dr. Jasmin Ahić, Dean of the Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies at the University of Sarajevo
  • Prof. Dr. Ratko Duev, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, Cyril and Methodius University
  • Nevena Stanković, a PhD student at the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade
  • Dr. Jadranka Polović, president of Croatian Association for International Studies (HUMS) from Zagreb

They shared their experiences, good practices and motivated all the present students by sharing personal experiences from many years of practice.

The general impression after the webinar, based on the number of students present, but also extremely constructive comments and observations, instills faith and hope that the work of the regional student network will succeed in realizing its vision embodied in creating a regional platform that will encourage, inspire and motivate students, connect at the regional and global level (among themselves and with experts and academics), as well as enable them to acquire new theoretical knowledge and practical experience, all with the aim of their further professional development and training in the field of strategic risk and crisis management, including potential professional engagement at home and abroad.