International On-line Conference “XXI Century Security Crises and How to Manage Them” will be organized on 13th and 14th October by the Belgrade based Centre for Risk Assessment and Crisis Management (CARUK), together with the Libertas University (Croatia) and Croatian Association for International Studies (HUMS). CARUK’s founder and director is Prof. Dr. Zoran Keković, the ISRM SE Chapter chairman.
The conference will gather most eminent experts in the field of crisis management in the region of Western Balkans, as well as the representatives of the national COVID-19 crisis headquarters and relevant public health institutions from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and North Macedonia. The agenda is divided in two main segments.
The first day of the conference will bring together leading experts, decision makers, managers and representatives of the scientific community to discuss a better and safer society, from the perspective of strategic and conceptual thinking on contemporary risks and crises. The discussion will also cover hybrid and other threats, both physical and cyber attacks on organizations, critical infrastructure, smart security solutions and a focus on organizational resilience and business continuity in “transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructure” and other key elements of economic and business activity.
The topic of the second day of the conference is comparative practice of managing the COVID19 epidemic, its consequences, as well as future similar crises. The discussion will be attended by some of the leading epidemiologists, immunologists, virologists and other medical experts as direct actors in the management of the COVID19 epidemic in their countries, those who have shaped the views and opinions of decision makers in public and private discourse.
The conference webpage with the list of the panelists is webinar.caruk.rs.